What is Rice?

Rice is the seed of the monocot plant Oryza sativa. As a cereal grain, it is the most important food for a large part of the world's human population

What is hybrid Rice?

Hybrid Rice is any genealogy of Rice produced by crossbreeding different kinds of Rice.

What is a paddy?

A paddy field is a flooded parcel of arable land used for growing Rice and other semi aquatic crops. Rice can also be grown in dry-fields, but from the twentieth century paddy field agriculture became the dominant form of growing Rice.

What is brown Rice?

Brown Rice (or "hulled Rice") is un-milled or partly milled Rice, a kind of whole, natural grain. It has a mild nutty flavour, is chewier and more nutritious than white Rice. Any Rice, including Long-Grain, Short-Grain, or Sticky Rice, may be eaten as brown Rice.

What is Basmati Rice?

Basmati is a variety of long grain Rice grown in Pakistan and India, notable for its fragrance and delicate, nuanced flavour. Its name means "the fragrant one" in Sanskrit. Pakistan and India are the largest cultivators and exporters of this Rice; it is only grown through paddy field farming in the Punjab region.

The grains of Basmati Rice are longer than most other types of Rice. Cooked grains of Basmati Rice stay characteristically solely, rather than being sticky, as with most Long Grain Rice. Cooked Basmati Rice can be uniquely identified by its fragrance. Basmati Rice is available in three varieties - white, brown and Parboiled.

What is Parboiled Rice?

Husked Rice is first treated with hot water steam, then dried before milling: By this process, the precious Vitamins and Minerals from the bran layer are pushed into the Rice kernel, which also explains the more yellow kernel after is has been milled. Parboiled Rice is healthier than white Rice and much easier to cook.

What's Rice nutrition?

Rice is high in Complex Carbohydrates, contains almost no fat, is cholesterol free, and is low in sodium. It is a good source of Vitamins and Minerals such as Thiamine, Niacin, Iron, Riboflavin, Vitamin D, Calcium, and Fibre. It is a fair source of Protein containing all eight Amino Acids.